The following is an article “How To Generate New Subscribers To Your Video” by Marc Primo.
If you value your online presence enough to know that video is the way to go in 2019, then you probably also know that getting your target audience to view your material is only half the battle won.
Granted that your video is compelling enough to make your viewers want to come back for more, then getting people to subscribe to your video channel is the other half of the battle you need to win. The following are practical tips that will help ensure you have all bases covered when going for a loyal following with a head count in the thousands—or even millions.
Quality over quantity
Whether you are a novice or veteran digital marketer, when it comes to video quality always trumps quantity. Start off with a poorly made video and nobody will want to visit your channel again. A well-produced video, on the other hand, will resonate with your target audience and should inspire them to follow your call to action, or at the very least, share your video with others on social media. But just like in the real world of show business, you will always be as good as your last video, so make each one count.
Be complete
In today’s digital marketing realm, every tool matters. While video is a powerful tool that lets you communicate a message and showcase your brand to a wide online audience, there are always ways to make it even stronger. Use each video as an opportunity to increase your product’s reach by always including a URL, social media widgets, and hashtags that will allow viewers to know that you mean business. More than showing them the way to your other online efforts, it will also give them the impression that you are thorough and professional.
Get to know SEO
For those who aren’t familiar with your channel or brand, the best chance you have of reaching them is through search engine optimization, or SEO. In order to rank high up the results of typical searches such as “pizza delivery” or “computer repair”, you need to make sure that your video is labeled with all the right keywords that would likely be entered when potential customers rely on a Google search to find you. A quick and simple way of discovering your keywords is to look at what words are used in the top 5 results of a particular niche, then applying those words to your own video’s labels and descriptions.
Keep it short
Always remember the average attention span of your typical netizen not being much longer than that of a goldfish. With just a few seconds to grab their attention enough to hit “play”, you also only have a few seconds to get your message across before they tune out and move on to the next thing that catches their eye. So as much as possible, keep it short and sweet.
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