This is an article “How Vital is Digital Assets Management?” by Marc Primo.
Nowadays, digital media has become a vital tool in our daily lives. We connect and engage with things we see, hear, play, read, and even experience online every day. Needless to say, digitalization has influenced our lives in more ways than we can ever imagine. For companies, digital assets management plays a vital role in how they can make marketing strategies truly work for the business and the consumers alike.
The prevalence of digital content is powered by a variety of cutting edge developments and bright ideas that allow advertisers to use low-cost, fully functional digital cameras, reliable network bandwidth, and high-performance computers to deliver high-quality content online.
Today’s marketing companies are awash with collaterals, art and copies, files, and videos. The need to organize both online and offline materials and channels requires a more effective marketing strategy. That’s where digital assets management comes in. In definition, digital assets management is simply the process of sorting your marketing collaterals across your company for proper use and tracking. Sounds simple, but a lot goes on during its implementation.
Why are digital assets marketing important to your company? Here are five benefits you get from getting both your online and offline marketing materials organized.
It improves internal and external communication
Certain tools make sure that channels and various departments within your internal and external teams are connected and aligned when it comes to your marketing strategies and on how to use the materials. It’s not new for companies to hire freelance content creators for their marketing efforts, and digital assets management makes it possible to make communication more convenient for creatives and account managers with the use of innovative tools such as G-Drive, Slack, or Trello. With such tools, deadlines are met on time, work is efficiently tracked, and timelines are observed religiously during the creative and approval processes prior to deployment.
It allows faster and easier distribution
Sometimes businesses may experience difficulties in forwarding their assets and materials to their partners and external clients. With proper digital assets management in place, portals can be created to execute a real-time exchange that can either adjust to viewing or downloading features for external stakeholders. It makes processes faster and easier to manage as navigating through all the digital media can be quite a challenge not only for your company but for clients and partners as well.
You optimize the use of your marketing materials
Supplemental metadata and utilized search tools enable your marketing team to determine which assets and images are right for your marketing campaigns. While some won’t probably mind going over available resources and videos for hours, digital assets management cuts downtime in creating unique materials. Giving your content team access to a library of existing assets allows them to check for branding details, tone, key visuals, style guides, and other important factors that should go into your art and copy.
It streamlines approvals and makes work more efficient
Some companies find a need to hire digital assets management providers who can offer more efficient tools in overseeing both workflow and collaterals. If your company has a wide volume of materials that you both use on and offline, it would be a wise decision to let an external provider keep tabs of how you use them and until when, in terms of licenses for stock photos and videos, marketing timelines, and moment marketing. That way, you can carry out smoother collaborations and transparency of your assets from the creative process down to approval and posting. Digital assets management also enables you to set expiration dates on your marketing collaterals and deployment. It keeps track of contracts if you happen to hire influencers for a particular campaign and removes expired licensed materials from circulation to avoid breaches.
Regardless of how much data volume you are dealing with, digital assets management is an essential tool for today’s businesses as the pace of how you can take advantage of marketing seems to go faster by the second. While it’s simply another tool to organize your collaterals, it can also create big opportunities for your business and pull in more leads when your customers experience the ease of discovering and appreciating your digital files.
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